Dealing with feelings of grief in the time of coronavirus

Dealing with feelings of grief in the time of coronavirus by Ellen Greenlaw As the COVID-19 outbreak moves into another month, do you find yourself feeling angry? Helpless? Sad? Lost? Disappointed? Accepting? Or maybe you run through the gamut of emotions on a given day or week. According to Erica Lee and Heather Potts, psychologists […]

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Hoping for the Opposite of Opposite Day: AfterTalk Weekly

Hoping for the Opposite of Opposite Day by Fran Gerstein From Wikipedia: Opposite Day refers to a game usually played by children. One can declare that today is Opposite Day (sometimes retroactively) to indicate something which will be said, or has just been said should be understood opposite to its original meaning. My definition: Opposite

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“We’re All Anxious Sweetie.” AfterTalk Pandemic Weekly 6.17.20

“We’re All Anxious, Sweetie.” The sign said, “Keep your windows rolled up. Pull up slowly to the first table, put your car in park, and wait for instructions.” A masked and energetic man came to the driver’s side of my car and held a printed sign up to my window which read: “Please call me

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