April 2021

The impact of grief on health: A Widow’s cautionary tale

The Impact of grief on health is a cautionary story for those who have lost someone to COVID-19. Editor Take care of the one he/she loved: A Widow’s cautionary tale of the impact of grief on health: AKA: Strokes suck. By Louise McOrmond-Plummer In March 2019, my son was concerned that the left side of […]

The impact of grief on health: A Widow’s cautionary tale Read More »

Grieving and Coronavirus–Funerals revisited AfterTalk Pandemic Weely 4.21.21

Grieving during a Pandemic Editor: A neighbor and friend passed yesterday after a long illness not related to Covid-19. Our entire community will miss Bill. As I called his life partner, I thought about funeral arrangements. We are all in Rockland County, NY , one of the hardest hit COVID sites in America. . What

Grieving and Coronavirus–Funerals revisited AfterTalk Pandemic Weely 4.21.21 Read More »