September 2021

Natural Disasters and Grief: AfterTalk Pandemic Weekly 9.29.21

Natural Disasters: How Grief Can Help Us to Help Others? By Jessica Fender Introduction Natural disasters, such as tsunamis or tornadoes, are catastrophic events where people lose their properties, livelihoods, and in many cases their lives. If you happen to experience a severe natural disaster, you will remember it for the rest of your life. […]

Natural Disasters and Grief: AfterTalk Pandemic Weekly 9.29.21 Read More »

Mourning Heroes 9/11 and Pandemic Heros AfterTalk Pandemic Weekly 9.15.21

Mourning Heroes It is only a few days since observed the 20th year since 9/11. I hesitate to call it an “anniversary” since the word usually conveys a joyous occasion.  The song is about a firefighter who did not die on 9/11, but the sentiment applies to all who rush toward what most of us

Mourning Heroes 9/11 and Pandemic Heros AfterTalk Pandemic Weekly 9.15.21 Read More »

We Grieve, We Remember, We Support Each Other: Thoughts from a 9/11 Widow and Grief Advocate

By Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D. We as a nation will never be “done” mourning the loss of 2,977 lives lost during the attack on September 11, 2001. On that Tuesday morning at the World Trade Center in New York, more than 2,700 people died, among them over two thousand people working at the Twin Towers,

We Grieve, We Remember, We Support Each Other: Thoughts from a 9/11 Widow and Grief Advocate Read More »

Putting the Closure on the Use of the Word “Closure” in Grief: AfterTalk 9/1/21

By Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D.  “If you are seeking a time when you will be finished, you will never be done.” – Tibetan saying In these contemporary times, you may be led to believe that you need to achieve “closure” after the death of someone in your life. As a matter of fact, you may

Putting the Closure on the Use of the Word “Closure” in Grief: AfterTalk 9/1/21 Read More »