Finding Professional Help for Grief Support

If you are grieving, read our timely blogs on how to get support during the grieving process through friends, family, counseling, and professional help.

When To Seek Professional Help for Your Grieving

Knowing When To Seek Professional Help for Your Grieving By Beau Peters Everyone goes through the grieving process at some point in life. Losing a loved one is never easy, and grieving is normal and healthy. However, there are stages of grief for a reason. Being able to move through those stages is essential. Unfortunately, […]

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Online Therapy: AfterTalk Weekly 11.14.19

Editor’s Note:  We don’t usually link to entire articles, but this one is too good to pass up, and the people at Consumers Advocate gave us permission to do so. Online therapy is increasingly popular and efficacious. Many people live in areas where face-to-face professional grief therapy is unavailable. Others work hours that make it

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Do You Have a Question About Grieving ?

AfterTalk Launches Advice on Grieving Column by Dr. Robert Neimeyer Whether you are grieving the loss of a loved one, or counseling someone who is, you now have the opportunity to ask a leading authority for advice. Dr. Robert Neimeyer and have teamed up to offer advice to those in need. We invite you

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Children as Survivors of Suicide on AfterTalk LIVE

  Experts Discuss Children as Survivors of Suicide on Wednesday, January 7th 3pm EST on AfterTalk: LIVE On Wednesday, AfterTalk: LIVE presents the second part of a discussion of the impact of a parental suicide on children and how families can cope. The panel features  Mandi Zucker, MSW, Grief Recovery Specialist and Program Director of Imagine: A

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Treating a Grieving Patient with Acupuncture

This week AfterTalk guest columnist Cameron Bishop DAOM, L.AC., discusses treating a Grieving Patient with Acupuncture. Oriental Medicine has a long tradition of associating emotions and the health. The Classics say that grief and sadness suppresses the function of the lung’s system. Which has an association with the immune system. Often when my patients lose

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