by Chanel Brenner
I sat across from him,
shooting his portrait with my phone.
His charcoal sweatshirt faded
into the dark booth.
He played tic-tac-toe
in the dim light.
I should have known
something was wrong,
when he scribbled his X’s and O’s
like a toddler—
should have known
his brain’s weak vessels
were bleeding again.
Should have put down the phone
and looked him in the eye.
Should have noticed
his half-eaten ice cream
melting in the bowl.
At a Restaurant the Night my Son Died first appeared in Pittsburgh Poetry Review.
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Every Thursday we publish “AfterTalk Inspirational.” We invite readers to submit their own poem, essay, or suggestions for inspirational quotes for publication. If you are a therapist you are welcome to extend this invitation to your clients as well. Please send your submission to
This hit me in the gut. We always feel like it’s our fault when our child dies…even when it’s not.