Chanel Brenner

Chanel Brenner is the author of Vanilla Milk: a memoir told in poems, (Silver Birch Press, 2014), a finalist for the 2016 Independent Book Awards and honorable mention in the 2014 Eric Hoffer awards. Her poems have appeared in New Ohio Review, Poet Lore, Rattle, Muzzle Magazine, Pittsburgh Poetry Review, Spry Literary Journal, Salamander, Spoon River Poetry Review, Literary Mama, and others. Her poem, “July 28th, 2012” won first prize in The Write Place At the Write Time’s contest, judged by Ellen Bass.

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Welcome to the Dead Child World: AfterTalk Inspirational 7.11.19

Editor’s note: over the next few weeks we will be publishing the works of Chanel Brenner. This is by way of introduction. Welcome to Dead Child World by Chanel Brenner  Please try to make yourself comfortable. If it feels like you are outside your body, it’s because you are. Don’t worry, this is normal. It

Welcome to the Dead Child World: AfterTalk Inspirational 7.11.19 Read More »

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