Author of our recent post on coping with losing a loved one to cancer, Jasmine Dyoco, has shared with us the following links to articles that may help those of us who have lost someone to cancer. If you haven’t read the original article, you can find it by clicking this link:
Understanding Leukemia
10 Ways to Help a Friend with Cancer
5 Ways Service Dogs Help People with Cancer
Talking with Children About a Loved One’s Cancer
Thriving as a Caregiver: Tools for Coping When a Loved One Has Cancer
Navigating Cancer Care: How Cancer is Treated
A to Z List of Cancer Drugs
Addiction Prevention for Cancer Patients: The Guide to Safe Pain Management
Alternative Cancer Treatments: 10 Options to Consider
Cancer in Your Dog or Cat and What You Can Do for Your Pet
10 Things I Learned from People Who Survive Cancer
Jasmine Dyoco is a fan of crossword puzzles, gardening, books on tape, learning (anything!) and fencing. She truly enjoys the work she does with Educator Labs and hopes you’ll stop by the site to learn more!
Sharing another article that your readers may find helpful as well: Coping With A Cancer Diagnosis: Suggested Resources,