student grieving

Helping College Students Cope with Grief & Loss: AfterTalk Pandemic Weekly 5.18.22

By Jessica Fender Coping with a loss is difficult, no matter how strong of a person you may be. Losing a parent, a sibling, a friend, or someone you’ve just known as an acquaintance can leave its mark on you. Only recently, studies show that more than 140,000 children in the US have lost a […]

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Supporting Students Coping With Grief: AfterTalk Weekly

Supporting Students Coping With Grief Most people don’t want to think about the idea of death, let alone a young person having to cope with it. However, a study published in School Psychology Quarterly found that people are most likely to experience their first sudden loss during their youth—between the ages of 15 and 16.[1]

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Managing Grief for Students. AfterTalk Pandemic Weekly 5.26.21

EDITOR: This post comes from our friends at Edubirdie. Their post includes an excellent compendium of resources not included here. To access their post, click the image right below this. ​Adult life is a Adult by David Kidwell Adult life rollercoaster. It’s full of challenges, unexpected events, and heartbreaking news. Standing on the edge of

Managing Grief for Students. AfterTalk Pandemic Weekly 5.26.21 Read More »

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