grieving and health

The impact of grief on health: A Widow’s cautionary tale

Take care of the one he/she loved: A Widow’s cautionary tale of the impact of grief on health: AKA: Strokes suck. By Louise McOrmond-Plummer In March 2019, my son was concerned that the left side of my face had drooped, and drove me to hospital, where CT scans revealed that I’d had an ischemic stroke. […]

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Treating a Grieving Patient with Acupuncture

This week AfterTalk guest columnist Cameron Bishop DAOM, L.AC., discusses treating a Grieving Patient with Acupuncture. Oriental Medicine has a long tradition of associating emotions and the health. The Classics say that grief and sadness suppresses the function of the lung’s system. Which has an association with the immune system. Often when my patients lose

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