Inspirational Quote 5.14.15 A Choice I Make

[Editor: this week’s quote is short, but powerful. I heard it on a recent episode of Grey’s Anatomy. Although the speaker, Grey’s mother, was talking about the choice to give up an infant for adoption, in context it was about Grey’s grief over her husband’s tragic death as the result of a traffic accident followed by a series of medical errors.]

“…its a choice, it’s a choice I make.

It’s a choice I’m making to move forward,

to move past this.

I can do that,

I can do that.”

from Grey’s Anatomy, April 30, 2015

Making the choice to move beyond grief, or at least to move to a place where grief is tolerable and one can conduct one’s lives fruitfully, is not always easy and not always something we can do alone. That’s where professional grief therapy becomes useful. I encourage you to read AfterTalk’s “Ask Dr. Neimeyer” column at this link:


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