Experts Discuss Children as Survivors of Suicide on Wednesday, January 7th 3pm EST on AfterTalk: LIVE
On Wednesday, AfterTalk: LIVE presents the second part of a discussion of the impact of a parental suicide on children and how families can cope. The panel features Mandi Zucker, MSW, Grief Recovery Specialist and Program Director of Imagine: A Center for Coping and Loss, based in Westfield, NJ, and Dr. Luciano Sabatini, a Long Island based counseling psychologist specializing in bereavement. He is also the author of “Bereavement Counseling in the School setting. “AfterTalk’s Co-Founder, Larry Lynn, is joining this interview today. He brings a unique perspective as he raised two young children whose biological father died by suicide.
This wide-ranging discussion covers topics like when and how to explain suicide to a child, how children process suicide as they age, and how families can get help. For information on how to listen to Parts 1 and 2, see below.

To hear Part 2 on January 7th, CLICK HERE
To listen to Part 1 CLICK HERE.
If you want to hear either after tomorrow, you can access all of our programs ON DEMAND at CLICK HERE.