Larry Lynn

Larry Lynn is a Co-Founder of AfterTalk. He has had a 40 year career in non-profit management and has served as Mayor of Grand View-on-Hudson, NY for 23 years.

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Online Therapy: AfterTalk Weekly 11.14.19

Editor’s Note:  We don’t usually link to entire articles, but this one is too good to pass up, and the people at Consumers Advocate gave us permission to do so. Online therapy is increasingly popular and efficacious. Many people live in areas where face-to-face professional grief therapy is unavailable. Others work hours that make it

Online Therapy: AfterTalk Weekly 11.14.19 Read More »

Medicare and Grief Counseling: AfterTalk Weekly 11.7.19

Will Medicare cover Grief Counseling? by Danielle K. Roberts Grief stems from experiencing a loss. People experience grief after a loved one passes away, when they lose a job, or even after they sell their first home. Some experts say there are four stages of grief: Separation distress, traumatic distress, guilt, and social withdrawal. Many

Medicare and Grief Counseling: AfterTalk Weekly 11.7.19 Read More »

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