October 2021

Grief and the Pandemic: A view from abroad AfterTalk Pandemic Weekly

This is an interesting presentation on Grief and the Pandemic from a German TV network, DW News. DW News is a global English-language news and information channel from German public international broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW). Note the commentary on flu season about 3/4th of the way through. Let this serve as a reminder that we […]

Grief and the Pandemic: A view from abroad AfterTalk Pandemic Weekly Read More »

Resilience is about falling into your own strength AfterTalk 10.20.21

Editor: Although this is written for families of loved ones with serious mental illness, I agree with the author that her discussion of resilience is vital to those who have suffered a loss.  Hello, I have visited and appreciate your website and I get your emails. I participate in a variety of social media forums

Resilience is about falling into your own strength AfterTalk 10.20.21 Read More »

Write a Letter to the Deceased and It Will Help You…AfterTalk Weekly

by Opal Miamoto Now that you are reading this, you want to know how to write a letter to a loved one who passed away. Whether you lost a loved one several years ago or recently, you have a unique grieving process. No two people are alike. And the grieving process never stops. You may

Write a Letter to the Deceased and It Will Help You…AfterTalk Weekly Read More »