November 2020

When Grief and Coronavirus Collide: AfterTalk Pandemic Weekly

When Grief and Coronavirus Collide BY MARY JANE HURLEY BRANT When Grief and the Coronavirus (COVID-19) collide, we feel like we’ll collapse. The Coronavirus is not only serious, it’s a pandemic. Like grief, COVID-19 is powerful, persistent and painful; it makes us fearful. Grief has already made us more vulnerable so this is a rough combination.

When Grief and Coronavirus Collide: AfterTalk Pandemic Weekly Read More »

Dealing with feelings of grief in the time of coronavirus

Dealing with feelings of grief in the time of coronavirus by Ellen Greenlaw As the COVID-19 outbreak moves into another month, do you find yourself feeling angry? Helpless? Sad? Lost? Disappointed? Accepting? Or maybe you run through the gamut of emotions on a given day or week. According to Erica Lee and Heather Potts, psychologists

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