The Price We Pay for Loving: AfterTalk Weekly

Author, ‘A Clergy Guide to End of Life Issues’

About Martha R. Jacobs

Rev. Dr. Martha R. Jacobs BCC, is passionate about getting clergy to talk with their congregants about completing advance directives so that we can maintain control over what happens to our bodies when we are wheeled into an price we pay for loving AfterTalk Grief Supportemergency room. Her book has been widely praised for providing clergy with tools to assist them in looking at their own fears around dying and death so that they can then provide appropriate care to their congregants and their family members. She leads workshops nationally for clergy, seminarians and congregations based on her book and the Prayerful Discernment Process she created. She is an ordained United Church of Christ minister. She received her MDiv and DMin at New York Theological Seminary, where she is an adjunct professor for the Doctor of Ministry in Pastoral Care. This book is her first and is grounded in her dissertation which was entitled “Death is Not the Enemy.” Dr. Jacobs is Board Certified (BCC) by the Association of Professional Chaplains (APC) and is the 2010 recipient of the Anton Boisen Award for Professional Service from the APC. She is the founding Managing Editor of PlainView


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