Continuing Bonds Theory of Grief
How To Write a Condolence Letter in a Meaningful Way
Grieving for my Mother: Part One

Recent Stories

Widows and Widowers; Dealing with Grief Together

By Larry Lynn | January 15, 2014 | 1 Comment

In previous articles we’ve talked about widows and widowers dating and doing well together. A major factor in this is that they become their own grief support group; both want to heal, and love is a powerful medicine. A quick review for those new to our story: we met in 1993, a year after both […]

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Children and Grief: Understanding Young Children Who Have Lost Parent

By Larry Lynn | January 11, 2014 | 1 Comment

I raised two children who lost their birth father when they were four and a half years old and ten months old. They are now in their twenties and doing well in life, so I speak with some experience. This layered on my own life experiences and those of the many people I have spoken […]

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An Unlikely Couple: Grieving and Dating: A Strategy for the Widow and Widower

By Larry Lynn | January 11, 2014 | 0 Comments

Before we get into where to find prospective companions and strategies for dating, let’s pause for a minute and discuss the use of AfterTalk’s Private Conversations during this time in your life. Dating after the death of a loved one is a reaffirmation of how much they really meant to you. It says that you […]

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An Unlikely Couple: Grieving and Dating: How to Get Started

By Larry Lynn | January 11, 2014 | 1 Comment

Aftertalk.com is committed to helping people deal with their grief by encouraging them to write to their deceased loved ones as a form of self-therapy. That said, we do want everyone who uses Aftertalk.com to be able to move on with their life. This series of articles is for those who have lost a spouse […]

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How to Find Support Groups for Grieving

By Larry Lynn | January 11, 2014 | 0 Comments

Support groups for grieving tend to divide in several ways. The first is denominational versus non-denominational. The second, and more important distinction, is by the object of your grief, e.g., a child, parent, spouse, veteran, etc. I could not find a single site that would give you a list of support groups in your community; […]

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Dealing with Grief? How to Find Professional Help: Psychologists and other Grief Therapists

By Larry Lynn | January 11, 2014 | 4 Comments

If you have recently lost a love one and are coping with grief, there are many sites that help you find psychologists. I suggest you start with the American Psychological Association locator at:  locator.apa.org.  If you want to look at a broader range of providers including social workers and therapists, you might also check out […]

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Dealing with Grief? How to Find Professional Help: Psychiatrists

By Larry Lynn | January 11, 2014 | 2 Comments

When I told somebody I was writing this article, they asked me this question: isn’t your website, www.AfterTalk.com, a form of grief therapy? The answer is yes, it is, but it’s not a cure-all. We believe AfterTalk can help you process your grief in several ways that are beneficial, but many of you could benefit […]

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Grieving During the Holidays: Ten New Year’s Resolutions for Those Who are Grieving

By Larry Lynn | January 1, 2014 | 1 Comment

  If you are grieving during the holidays, here are some New Year’s Resolutions that could help ease the pain of grief.  Traditions have to start somewhere, so what better day than December 31st for a chronic procrastinator to propose some New Year’s Resolutions. 1. I will do everything in my power to reduce the […]

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If You Lost a Spouse/Domestic Partner in Recent Weeks Read This Today!

By Larry Lynn | December 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

It’s December 26th as I write this. I remember when I lost my wife in late November, and remember how unprepared I was to deal with financial issues in the moment. I made mistakes that cost me later, so let me keep this simple. Talk to your accountant or financial advisor immediately about whether there […]

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Grief Poems: Your Compassionate Friend by Steve Channing

By admin | December 20, 2013 | 1 Comment

I can tell from that look, friend, that you need to talk So come, take my hand and let’s go for a walk. See, I’m not like the others, I won’t shy away, Because I want to hear what you’ve got to say. Your child has died and you need to be heard But they […]

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