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You can’t watch cable TV and not know about Mesothelioma, a cancer linked to asbestos. Since it is 91% fatal, the people at Mesothelioma Center know their way around grieving. Their guide “Coping with the Loss of a Loved One to Mesothelioma,” is an excellent tool for anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved […]
Continue ReadingThe following essay is by our friend Elizabeth Coplan, subject matter expert and curator of the website and films, Grief Dialogues We encourage our readers to visit Grief Dialogues and especially the Grief Stories page. For information about the Grief Dialogues film “8AM” click HERE. Writing a letter to a deceased love one […]
Continue ReadingThe Toaster By Peggy Amler I was alone… permanently, not temporarily. My husband had passed. It was still recent enough that it felt like he soon would be home, as though he had been out simply to run some errands. I was making breakfast and the toaster broke. One of the two levers wouldn’t stay […]
Continue ReadingDearest Ganny, When we lost you, we lost one of the greats. You were our family’s rock, the glue that held us together. I hope you know in your final days how many people prayed for you, how many people told me they loved you. It was like that my whole life – people […]
Continue ReadingGrieving for My Sex Life After My Husband Died By Alice Radosh Photo: Igor Ustynskyy/Getty Images “We’ve been lied to,” Bart said. I rolled over on my side and saw that my husband of almost 40 years was grinning. “It’s not supposed to be this good when you’re this old.” He was right. Our whole generation had been lied to. Holding hands, […]
Continue ReadingIt Is Time to Change the Books on My Night Table By Peggy Amler For the first year and beyond, I lived in my grief. My heartache was all that I could feel. I read books and writings on grief, and I wrote about my pain. That was the primary focus of my attention. That […]
Continue ReadingGrief Dialogues [https://griefdialogues.com/] OUR VISION: To create a compassionate, empathetic environment where sharing our stories about death and grief can help us and help others. OUR MISSION: Erase the stigma surrounding death and grief. OUR GOAL: Publish an anthology of plays, monologues, essays, poems and to produce a live theatre production that includes these submissions as well […]
Continue Reading“How long will the pain last?” a broken hearted mourner asked me. “All the rest of your Life.” I have to answer truthfully. We never quite forget. No matter how many years pass, we remember. The loss of a loved one is like a major operation. Part of us is removed, and we have a […]
Continue ReadingYou Would’ve Been by Stephanie J. DeMartino You would have been 70 had you lived today I would have bought you cake and came over to say Happy Birthday Dad, you’ve come a long way! You would have smiled at me and said something funny Told me I looked just like my Mother and called […]
Continue ReadingGrief Poem 124 Dayenu by R.L. Nona If we had been given one more year to watch the sun set on the far mountains, float on our backs in salt ponds shaded by ancient willows that protest the weight of their leaves, and hold each other close as the seasons cycle. First in the […]
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