Marathon: AfterTalk Inspirational


Nathan and Heather had a baby with Trisomy 18, or Edwards’ Syndrome, a chromosomal abnormality, which is terminal. They were told to plan for her funeral when they went to have her in the hospital. They did not think she would live till Marathon AfterTalk Grief Supporther birth. Olivia did live. She defied what the doctors said. And instead of dying on the first day, or the first week, or month, she lived till her first birthday. Then at 14 months she got sick. She recovered but when she got sick again, she was not strong enough.

Nathan wrote a book following her death called Dance Again. His first book So Am I was about their life with Olivia and about facing fears. Here is the song Marathon, performed by Nathan and Heather. Anyone who has grieved will understand the refrain: “…it is not a marathon.”

Here is a link to So Am I: marathon aftertalk grief support

You can visit Nathan’s website at:  CLICK HERE
Every Thursday we publish “AfterTalk Inspirational.” We invite readers to submit their own poem, essay, or suggestions for inspirational quotes for publication. If you are a therapist, you are welcome to extend this invitation to your clients as well. Please send your submission to

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