Larry Lynn

Larry Lynn is a Co-Founder of AfterTalk. He has had a 40 year career in non-profit management and has served as Mayor of Grand View-on-Hudson, NY for 23 years.

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Inspirational Quote 6.4.15 Raymond Carver about Grieving

[Editor: Raymond Carver is among the greatest American writers of the twentieth century. If you’ve seen the movie Birdman which won the Oscar for Best Picture this year, the play performed in it is adapted from a Raymond Carver short story. This is his poem about grieving.] Woke up early this morning and from my bed […]

Inspirational Quote 6.4.15 Raymond Carver about Grieving Read More »

Inspirational Quote 5.28.15 Dalai Lama on Grieving and Loss

  An audience member, clearly in pain, asked the Dalai Lama, “Do you have any suggestions about how to handle a great personal grieving and loss, such as the loss of a child?” With a gentle tone of compassion, he answered, “To some degree that depends on people’s personal belief. If people believe in rebirth,

Inspirational Quote 5.28.15 Dalai Lama on Grieving and Loss Read More »

Grieving and Mother’s Day

  [Editor: this was posted last Mother’s Day. Thought it was worth repeating] This Sunday will be the first Mother’s Day since my mom passed away eight weeks ago. It’s given me pause for reflection.  I had the good fortune to know two great-grandmothers, two grandmothers, two mothers-in-law (one still living) and, of course, my own

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