Alan Wolfelt

Dr. Alan Wolfelt has been recognized as one of North America’s leading death educators and grief counselors. His books have sold more than a million copies worldwide and have been translated into many languages. He founded the Center for Loss in 1984 to offer education and support both to grievers and bereavement caregivers. He also serves as a member of the TAPS Advisory Board. He is known around the world for his compassionate messages of hope and healing as well as his companioning philosophy of grief care. Dr. Wolfelt speaks on grief-related topics, offers trainings for caregivers, and has written many bestselling books and other resources on grief for both caregivers and grieving people. 

Telling a Story AfterTalk Grief Support

Getting through complicated grief with antidepressants?

Is the best and probably only way to get through complicated grief antidepressants? by Center for Loss | Sep 23, 2024 | Ask Dr. Wolfelt, Featured This question was recently posed to Dr. Wolfelt – “Is the best and probably only way to get through complicated grief antidepressants?” See his answer below. My short answer is absolutely not! Why? Because we […]

Getting through complicated grief with antidepressants? Read More »

We Grieve, We Remember, We Support Each Other: Thoughts from a 9/11 Widow and Grief Advocate

By Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D. We as a nation will never be “done” mourning the loss of 2,977 lives lost during the attack on September 11, 2001. On that Tuesday morning at the World Trade Center in New York, more than 2,700 people died, among them over two thousand people working at the Twin Towers,

We Grieve, We Remember, We Support Each Other: Thoughts from a 9/11 Widow and Grief Advocate Read More »

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